Theory vs Practical

(Originally Posted on October 28th 2023)

By now almost every article, post, video, and explanation gives an example of what these new platforms CAN do, but how often do the articles, posts, and videos show off some examples or actual cases of use on their channel/website? There are individuals who share their experiences using a platform and those are great examples to see how the platform can benefit the individual

Learning about the platform is one thing but actually using it in real-life applications is an entirely different matter. ‘Web 3/Blockchain is Decentralized! That gives more power to the participant!” Okay, so how can I use that for business? Well from a ‘social’ standpoint, I could ensure any posts, videos, podcasts, and articles I make are ‘saved’ on the Blockchain before repurposing them on a regular Web 2 platform. That might be useful for an entrepreneur or startup company.

“Generative A.I. can speed up the process with its ability to pull huge amounts of knowledge from its database, fast-tracking work, and helping with the mundane aspects of business!”. That sounds great! But it still needs to be trained, an understanding of the business venture, and given a role to fit a position the business is missing. I have been using GPT4 to clear up some of the technical aspects of starting a business and plan to do a lot more after I build up and create more aspects of the business. 

So why is it important to have experience with a platform in practice? Well, expectations and the reality of the platform are two vastly different things. Just having experience with use will put ‘some’ above the ‘many’ who have only ‘heard’ about it. Researchers often require ‘Field Experience’ to gain a deeper understanding of their subject and it is no different with this.

Helpful tips:

– Don’t be afraid! Find a platform that seems interesting and try it out.

– Try and find a unique use case that might prove beneficial down the line

– Be vigilant! There are many ways to get lost while learning. Don’t lose focus.