Understanding the levels

There are actually multiple levels to Blockchain, ‘Generative A.I.’, and everything else I’ve talked about in previous posts. The onslaught of information when looking up these subjects can be overwhelming though and it all starts to look jumbled together with no cohesion.

Well I am creating this post to clarify that the basics are just understanding the foundation.
– Generative A.I.’s generally require input to generate and outputs it’s best work. The more detailed and concise the input is, usually the better the result. This can get more and more advanced as the Ai can be given a role with a view point, or specific details concerning the subject that can be thrown in and it will try to replicate that style from what it was given from that.

Blockchain is often a ‘public’ ledger that utilizes Cryptocurrency to transact/transfer and the transaction can be seen by everybody. The technology allows assignation of unique keys that only the holder has access to. The advanced levels of this subject can go further with decentralization of assets and applications, storing data and creations, and the cryptography aspect holding many options for security, potentially forever.

Ownership, as a concept, has multiple levels that can get quite advanced as well. Having control of physical assets and possessions indicates ownership. but venturing into titles, copyrights, and even claims of authority over digital assets can be considered quite advanced for a term that is being eroded away by ‘licenses’ and subscription based models.

Knowing where ‘exactly’ each piece of information belongs on the skill totem pole takes the most bit of time. Looking up something and hearing multiple terms, concepts, and phrases that have never been heard prior just tells me that this information is a more ‘advanced’ piece of knowledge while I am trying to find ‘Basic’ levels of knowledge.

Helpful Advice:
– Don’t feel lost when figuring out these topics! Just know that it can and will get more advanced beyond the current understanding level.
– Take the time to find the basics and follow the trail that slowly goes up the totem pole.
– Looking up (currently) unknown phrases and terms can lead to a basic informative site that might help with understanding and it’s connection to the subject as a whole.

Don’t fear knowledge, but instead chart a path to understanding it.

Thank you for reading.

Stay Knowledgeable!