Using ‘Generative A.I.’ to plainly view Concepts

(Originally Posted on January 8th 2024)

For information gathering on new topics, the beginning and end of the year are knowledge deserts. There may be some independent channels or feeds that have some iota of recent knowledge, but it is minor in comparison to how quick an industry can change with all hands on deck.

So I’ve spent the beginning of this year running over several new ‘concepts’ with ‘Generative A.I.’. Business concepts, finding similarities between concepts, (not too)personal thought concepts, and refining a strategic order of things. Is this wise? Probably not, but it is nice to have another outlet to bounce ideas off of.

Bouncing ideas off of people is always preferred but I often find that it can turn into a ‘Yes’ session where every idea is a great idea. That’s not incredibly helpful when I need to see the idea from a different perspective. ‘Generative A.I.’ should be taught to fill a role during these sessions as it is very much an optimistic ‘Yes-man’ so to speak. 

Having a critical conversation sometimes requires a debate, or opposition that looks at the downsides of an idea. This gives me the opportunity to examine my concept or idea from a different point of view.

So during this ‘drought’ of knowledge, I have been fine-tuning my ideas and concepts for 2024. ‘Generative A.I.’ is an asset that is currently available to many. Don’t squander the opportunity!

Helpful Advice:

– Learn how to assign the ‘Generative A.I.’ a role. It could be a professor who has been teaching a subject for over 20 years or a persnickety youth that has it in for the writer.

– ‘Generative A.I.’ is a tool and asset to be used. Learning how to utilize them is (currently) vital to every industry.

– Write out several concepts and test them out with regular folks (If available) and try explaining it to the ‘Generative A.I.’ to see if it understands the definition of the idea.