What is said ‘It’ can do versus what ‘It Is’ actually able to do

New Technology always seems to have a stigma for replacing aspects that have always been. It is hyped and sold for what it is said it can do but the practical application is often far from the truth. Cryptocurrency was designed to replace ‘Fiat’ as a universal currency and get rid of transaction fees when transferring funds across the globe, at first it seemed to be true but as more and more of the infrastructure became bogged down by individuals, the more cracks began to show and suddenly that original purpose was difficult to see as the scale of individuals and cryptocurrencies grew. It’s still a technology that has many uses but I think the mainstream flow of individuals have thrown a wrench in the process and now Cryptocurrency has another purpose all together.

‘Generative A.I.’ was touted as ‘The next change in the workspace’ but yet it requires decades of information and data to be a viable worker. Companies weren’t sharing their data with others after the initial realization that the original Generative models unlawfully scanned data from hundreds of websites without permission. Now ‘Generative A.I.’,, as a worker, can be at the same level as an intern as the companies take each of their models and run the companies data, information, and processes through it.

The Fear of Missing Out(FoMo) and (Social) media hyping up these new technologies utilities without proper research can and has misled many individuals and caused a lot of strife when nobody really seems to know why they are really upset. Replacement shouldn’t be the word to focus on. Each ‘discovery’ opens up opportunities that weren’t available until now.

For me, its the opportunity to recognize the shift in Economics, Business, Definition, and all the little aspects inbetween them and be able to learn how they are shifting and changing along with being able to teach others along the way.

I am somebody who dislikes change but I hate stagnation as it stifles growth and opportunity. Being an entrepreneur, to me, is to continue growing and searching for opportunities. So I will continue learning and sharing what I’ve found for myself and others.

Thank you for reading.

Stay Knowledgeable.